UNI EN 16636:2015 is the European standard also implemented at the Italian level which defines the requirements for the management and control of infestations (pest management) and the skills that must be possessed by professional service providers in order to protect public health, property and the environment.It is a standard applicable by companies that provide the "pest management" service, which includes the management and control of infestations, but also the assessment, recommendations and subsequent execution of the defined control and prevention procedures.
The standard does NOT apply to:
- the protection of cultures
- routine cleaning and disinfection associated with regular cleaning service contracts
The standard takes into consideration all aspects and all phases of service delivery starting from the first contact with the customer, passing through the design of the service delivery method, the estimates, the actual disinfestation activity arriving at the evaluation of the effectiveness of the interventions , if necessary, to the recalibration of the service.A new element of this standard is represented by the attachment a which defines in detail the characteristics and skills of the personnel involved , be it a technical manager, rather than an operator, a commercial or an administrative one.
The standard allows us to offer our client companies a qualified and certified service.Companies in the food sector (especially those certified BRC - GFSF and IFS) are very sensitive to these issues which are reflected in the hygienic-sanitary characteristics of the products.
Possession of a certificate in compliance with this standard could also be included in public tenders as a prerequisite that companies providing pest management services must possess.