The standards of the ISO 29990 series together with ISO 21001 - Management systems for education and training organizations - are the reference standards for the certification of educational and training services .The series is divided into these standards:
- UNI ISO 29991 - Language training services - Requirements
- UNI ISO 29992 - Evaluation of the results of training services - Guide
- UNI ISO 29993 - Training services not included in formal education - Service requirements
- ISO 29994 - Education and learning services -- Requirements for distance learning
- ISO 29995 - Education and learning services -- Vocabulary
It should be noted that at the moment the ISO 29994 and ISO 29995 standards have not yet been implemented by UNI.
The series consists of 3 certifiable standards (29991, 29993 and 29994) and 2 supporting standards.
The certifiable standards of this series, unlike ISO 21001, detail in depth the requirements relating to the training service covered by the standard .
The series policies address the following topics:UNI ISO 29991 - Language training services - Requirements
The standard, certifiable, specifies the requirements for language learning services, including all language learning services both for the learners themselves and for any clients who use these services for third parties (for example their employees, their employees' children, etc.).
This law requires the definition of training objectives; the service provided must be evaluated, as well as the interaction with the learner. This rule is applicable both to language training services provided in presence, and to those provided remotely or in mixed modality.
UNI ISO 29992 - Evaluation of the results of training services - Guide
The standard provides guidance on the planning, development, implementation and review of evaluations of the results of training services. It is of great use to both training agencies and organizations evaluating training outcomes.
UNI ISO 29993 - Training services not included in formal education - Service requirements
The standard, certifiable, specifies the requirements for non-formal training services, also including continuous training (for example professional or corporate).
Services that comply with this standard have defined objectives, are subject to evaluation and interaction between teacher and learner is envisaged.
ISO 29994 - Education and learning services -- Requirements for distance learning.
This standard, which can be certified if combined with ISO 29993, is specific for organizations that operate through "distance" training.
ISO 29995 - Education and learning services – Vocabulary
The standard provides a common and shared terminology related to the training sector.
- Greater social responsibility by providing inclusive and equitable quality education for all
- training objectives are defined, and services are evaluated
- greater credibility of the organization
- stimulus to excellence and innovation