CONFORMA is the largest Italian association of Inspection, Test and Calibration Certification Bodies
CONFORMA , represents the largest Association of Certification Inspection, Test and Calibration Bodies. CONFORMA operates in the ICT (Testing, Inspection, Certification) sector, i.e. in the Conformity Assessment sector understood as the set of activities, generally carried out under an accreditation regime and/or with the authorization of the competent Ministries, voluntarily or certification activities of management systems, products, personnel and services, inspections, CE marking and laboratory tests and calibration.
CONFORMA's mission is to promote quality, safety and environmental protection through competent and independent certifications, tests and inspections, with the aim of:
- give added value to the processes, products and services being evaluated
- protect consumers
- strengthen the full awareness of the social value of conformity assessment in matters of quality, environment, safety and sustainability in institutions, businesses and citizens.