The UNI ISO/TS 26030 standard was published in March 2020. It addresses the issue of social responsibility and sustainable development in the food supply chain.This standard is proposed as a guideline for the use of ISO 26000 for companies in the food sector , a strategic production sector for our country.
It wants to help the food chain adopt responsible behavior in a systematic way, regardless of the size of the organizations involved and their geographical location.
CSQA can offer a gap analysis service aimed at helping organizations in their path of awareness on the issue of social responsibility.
The guideline, like the 26000 from which it derives, focuses on the fundamental issues of responsibility, namely:- governance
- human rights
- working relationships and conditions
- the environment
- good management practices
- the specific aspects relating to consumers
- community engagement and development
Each theme is detailed in its specific aspects and contextualized in the food chain.
- Use the typical language of the food sector, promoting the adoption of the ISO 26000 guidelines in this area
- Through specific examples of good practices (Annexes A and C), it encourages organizations to take into consideration and evaluate themselves with respect to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs ) of Agenda 2030
- It allows to evaluate the corporate performance in terms of sustainability according to the holistic approach of its pillars (social, economic and environmental)