Home Corporate Communication Press Review Expectations on gluten-free nutrition

Expectations on gluten-free nutrition

Since 2017, all Bauer products have been gluten free, responding to the needs of a wide range of customers: from those looking for a healthy diet to those with food allergies

Expectations on gluten-free nutrition
Expectations on gluten-free nutrition

Anticipating market trends, intercepting consumer expectations in time, is certainly one of the strengths of Bauer, a Trentino company that has been producing bouillon cubes for over 90 years.


The "gluten-free" claim on the product labels will continue to attract progressive interest from customers. “In this panorama - continues the sole director of Bauer - there are many companies that have started to favor production in line with the needs of the modern consumer, who is particularly well-documented and attentive to the ingredients and quality of the food he buys”.

Bauer, in this case, already in 2017 obtained the "Gluten-free" certification with the CSQA body, which is particularly rigorous and reliable.


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