Astea is among the companies awarded by the Equal Opportunities Commission of the Marche Region for the paths to guarantee gender equality in the second edition of the “ BOLLINO ROSA PER LE MARCHE ”, which was held in Portonovo.
The meeting was aimed at companies in the Marche region and involves trade associations and trade unions, with the aim of informing about the opportunities of the UNI/PdR 125:2022 certification , which certifies gender equality and the adoption of fair and non-discriminatory practices towards female workers.
After the introduction by the President of the Commission, Maria Lina Vitturini, there were technical interventions by CSQA , a publicly controlled certification body, and then the floor was given to the trade associations and trade unions. At the end, the ceremony for the delivery of the “Bollino rosa” recognition took place to the entities that have already committed to the path of guaranteeing gender equality, obtaining the relative certification.
Source: VivereOsimo.it