This is what emerges from the recent research conducted by Nomisma in collaboration with AssoBio.
Growing interest in organic: an expanding consumer base
During 2024 , organic products saw further growth in interest from Italian consumers.According to the Nomisma survey, 93% of the population between 18 and 65 years old – equal to 24 million families – has purchased at least one organic food product in the last year.
An impressive figure if compared to the 50% recorded in 2012, which highlights a growing awareness towards sustainable consumption.
Italy , despite ranking fourth in the world for consumption of organic products, still has room for improvement compared to other European countries: per capita spending on organic foods stands at 67 euros (2022), representing only 3% of food spending in hypermarkets and supermarkets (AT Nov 2024, NielsenIQ).
Modern Distribution, which generates approximately 58% of sales related to domestic consumption of organic products, has recorded a significant increase, with a value of 2.2 billion euros in 2024 (+4.5% compared to the previous year) (Omnichannel, Peso Imposto, AT Nov 2024, NielsenIQ).
Organic and Green Claims: How Much Do Consumers Really Know?
The food landscape is being enriched with new green claims – such as “Zero Residue” for fresh or processed plant-based food products – that are capturing the attention of consumers.The Nomisma research highlighted widespread uncertainty and poor awareness among Italian families about the values and guarantees that these claims offer.
2 out of 3 consumers mistakenly believe that the production method associated with “Zero Residue” products is completely free of synthetic chemicals, a perception that is particularly strong among those who do not consume organic food products.
While 54% of consumers recognize organic as synonymous with greater guarantees, 23% consider product references with the “Zero Residue” claim equivalent to those of organic, while a further 23% consider them even superior.
Organic on the shelf: perception and distinctive guarantees
Despite competition from green claims and information asymmetries, organic continues to enjoy a privileged position in the minds of consumers.According to the data, 82% of consumers associate the organic label with environmentally sustainable production and 71% with the exclusion of synthetic chemicals in production processes.
Furthermore, the organic production method is appreciated for its commitment to protecting and safeguarding the soil (79%), for the quality and traceability guaranteed by the presence of a European certification (76%) and for the absence of synthetic products (73%).
These distinctive elements translate into perceived added value in terms of health safety (19%), transparency of production processes along the supply chain (19%) and better nutritional properties (14%).
There is therefore a greater awareness of the values and guarantees of organic products compared to the lesser-known “zero residue”, on which 50% believe they do not have clear information.
Organic of tomorrow: how to strengthen the market?
The resilience of organic is supported by a growing focus on sustainability and improving macro-market trends.Although the estimated growth of the Italian economy is below the European average in 2024 (+0.7% of GDP, according to the IMF), spending intentions for domestic food consumption are improving , with 21% of Italians ready to increase their budget dedicated to food purchases in the next 12-18 months.
To consolidate the role of organic in the Italian market, it is essential to promote awareness initiatives that inform consumers about the values, distinctive elements and guarantees offered by organic certification compared to other claims – said Silvia Zucconi, Chief Operating Officer Nomisma . (Source: https://www.nomisma.it/ )