Burrata di Andria PGI is a stretched curd cheese from Puglia produced with cow's milk and obtained by combining cream and cheese. The casing is made up exclusively of stretched curd which contains, inside, a mixture of cream and hand-pulled curd, called stracciatella.
The invention of the burrata is the fruit of Andria's skilful dairy art.
It is handed down orally that in an ancient farmhouse in the first decades of the last century Lorenzo Bianchino invented the Andria burrata. Due to a heavy snowfall that prevented him from transferring the milk to the city and having to necessarily transform it and above all use the cream that naturally surfaced, he followed the concept of producing mantéche (seasoned stretched curd wrappers in which the butter is preserved) . He then tried to make a fresh product using the same principle, mixing together the residues from the processing of the stretched curd with cream and closing everything in a casing also made of stretched curd.
Since, in November 2016 , the Burrata di Andria obtained the recognition of Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) from the European Union, this extraordinary product has come a long way.
According to the Taste Atlas Best Cheeses ranking, Burrata di Andria PGI is the third best cheese in the world , after Parmigiano Reggiano DOP and Gorgonzola DOP.