Home Corporate Communication Press Review Climate change in fruit growing: targeted solutions needed

Climate change in fruit growing: targeted solutions needed

Climate change in fruit growing: targeted solutions needed
Climate change in fruit growing: targeted solutions needed

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the climate changes observed over the last 150 years are the consequence of the increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases, due to anthropogenic emissions, that is, caused by human activity.

This situation has led to a rapid escalation of extreme phenomena such as heat waves, droughts, hail and violent rainfall, which are increasingly evident, but also to soil degradation, reduction of biodiversity and alteration of ecosystems.

The main impacts for agriculture

The main impacts that climate change will have on the agricultural sector are related to:

The agronomic strategies to address these critical issues were the protagonists of the event entitled «Climate change, prevention, mitigation and risk management» held with the support of CSQA , Grena, Agrintesa, Netsens, Serroplast, lamberti, Generali Assicurazioni, Berardi at Le Tenute Ferrocinto in Castrovillari (CS) last November 27th.


Source: The Agricultural Informer

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