Advanced technology with branding and App to guarantee origin, authenticity and product information

The first product with a Geographical Indication with the "Digital Passport" was presented in the context of the Sigep in Rimini , a project strongly desired by the Consortium for the Protection of Modica PGI Chocolate and created in collaboration with the State Polygraphic Office , the Qualivita Foundation and supervised by CSQA Certificazioni.
The new solution is voluntary, i.e. it integrates with the identification and traceability systems envisaged for designations of origin, it was activated for the first time on Cioccolato di Modica PGI and is aimed at the numerous products of the agri-food chain. Its aim is to allow companies and consumers to immediately check supply chain information and product authenticity, also thanks to new communication functions.
Central tools of the new system will be a sign and an APP with a technological solution based on the combination of two fundamental elements: security printing and digital features. The personalized mark , created with advanced security printing systems , is affixed to each package and is connected to the free "Trust Your Food" APP, designed to allow the consumer to access the Digital Passport of agri-food products, verifying the traceability and genuineness of the product in a simple way.
This solution supports conventional traceability systems and ensures accurate production control and immediate and effective communication to the consumer. Furthermore, the system can be integrated with the CSQA Blockchain solution , guaranteeing control of the entire supply chain, the quality and origin of the agri-food products, an optimization of the data management system and ensuring maximum protection for consumers and quality agri-food productions.
The project is part of the framework of activities for the enhancement of Italian quality supply chains resulting from the agreement between Poligrafico dello Stato and CSQA Certificazioni, with the aim of making available to sector operators and citizens the professional skills and innovative technological solutions (which can be adopted on an absolutely voluntary basis) necessary for the protection and promotion of our country's products.

For further information: Press Office - Geronimo Nerli - - +393394835634