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How to measure sustainability

QUINN / ISPRA, Guidelines for an informed choice of methods for measuring corporate sustainability

How to measure sustainability
How to measure sustainability

In the last thirty years, the theme of sustainability and holistic models for measuring the performance of organizations have been at the center of the research and promotion of virtuous management systems by the University Consortium in Engineering for Quality and Innovation, QUINN in short (formerly Qualital).
The guidelines are a new piece of the set of tools developed to support companies, in particular SMEs, in the process of improving their competitiveness and increasing their ability to be an active actor of change.

In the development of this research, ISPRA was involved with a leading role with which the QUINN university consortium has had a collaboration protocol in the field of research and training for years. At the same time, a group was set up that brought together experts on the subject, innovation managers and, as always, young resources from higher education university courses.

Consult the Guidelines for free

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