The presence of the two leading companies in the certification sector will certainly make an important contribution to the statutory mission of the Foundation, given the close relevance of the specific skills in the sector of PDO PGI quality agri-food products.
"For about fifteen years - says Luigino Draws, President of CSQA Certificazioni srl - as a body appointed by MIPAAF, CSQA Certificazioni has been involved in the control and certification of DOP and IGP products that are very significant for the Italian agri-food economy: Grana Padano, Balsamic Vinegar of Modena, Garda Oil, Val di Non Apples, Valtellina Bresaola are just some of the approximately fifty vegetable and animal origin specialties controlled by CSQA; products that give prestige and notoriety to the gastronomic heritage of our country.
The participation of CSQA, as a Founding Member - concludes Draws - aims to support the Qualivita Foundation in the action of guaranteeing and informing the consumer about the originality and uniqueness of these products, to thus contribute to their protection and affirmation also on the European and international markets."
“A shared commitment with Valoritalia - declares Ezio Pelissetti managing director of Valoritalia srl - which in the Qualivita Foundation identifies an indispensable partner to protect and improve the status of one of the most important products of Made in Italy such as wine, of which VALORITALIA controls over 70% of the denomination production of the entire country. Hence the choice to participate as a founding member of the Foundation, bringing his own experience within the debate and initiatives promoted in the context of the protection of denomination productions and related issues”.
With the entry of the new members, the commitment of the Qualivita Foundation is reconfirmed, which in collaboration with AICIG and Federdoc operates in the sector of communication and promotion of agri-food and wine products with Italian geographical indications and denominations of origin, and in over ten years of activity has created a strong network of contacts for the promotion of GIs in the world, through numerous national and international projects, including publications and sector databases.
The board of directors has also been renewed and will consist of five members for the next three years. Cesare Mazzetti, an entrepreneur from Emilia who for years led the Consortium of Balsamic Vinegar of Modena IGP, was elected President, Corsino Corsini was Vice President, president of the Ricciarelli di Siena Consortium IGP. The directors Pietro Bonato , general director of CSQA, Luigino Draws , president of CSQA and president of Valoritalia, and Ezio Pelissetti managing director of Valoritalia have been appointed.
“I am honored by the trust placed in me with this appointment, and I will try to keep up the baton passed by many authoritative predecessors, most recently President De Castro” – these are the words of Cesare Mazzetti, new president of the Foundation.
“ The Board of Directors has undertaken to continue on already well-defined guidelines, in pursuing the defense and dissemination of knowledge on products with Geographical Indication, not only in Italy but also in Europe: the studies and databases developed by Qualivita in collaboration with Institutions and Associations such as, for example, the Ministry of Agricultural Policies, Expo, Ismea, Aicig and Federdoc, Federdop have served, and will increasingly serve, to monitor and affirm the importance of PDO and PGI products, to follow their trends and to anticipate to operators the trends that will emerge on the market, with a valid action of support to the production chains, on the one hand, and to the final consumers on the other.”
Paolo De Castro will be President of the scientific committee of the Qualivita Foundation.