As a sign of remembrance, the meeting with the parents of the young professional who has been committed to growing the leading Italian food certification body in the food valley
Mirko Poletti, first employee of the CSQA Certificazioni office in Parma, an esteemed and prepared professional, appreciated by customers in the daily relationship of trust, was remembered today in Parma for his incurable passion for life by the managers of the certification company, which in the Food Valley had entrusted Mirko to confirm its national leadership in the agri-food sector.
To pay homage to his memory, the Board of CSQA met today, extraordinarily, in the Parma branch. At the end of the works, after recalling the great human and professional qualities of Mirko Poletti, the members of the Board met Mirko's parents, announcing their desire to dedicate the CSQA Certificazioni office in Parma to the memory of their son.
A graduate in food science and technology, Mirko had been working with CSQA Certificazioni for several years. He carried out his work with passion, dedication and professionalism; esteemed and appreciated, he generously dedicated his free time to volunteering, offering help to the local community with his discreet presence.
(In the photo: Mirko Poletti's family with CSQA President Carlo Perini and Chief Executive Officer Pietro Bonato)