CSQA has activated a PhD within the PON - National Research & Innovation Operational Program 2014 - 2020, with the University of Verona.
The assignee was an Ethiopian student who will develop together with CSQA some studies on Green Artificial Intelligence for the automatic verification of the Carbon Footprint and Environmental Sustainability - Green AI for Carbon Footprint and Environmental Sustainability automated verification.
CSQA, in the wake of innovation and strengthening of university-business collaboration and support for young international talents, will host the doctoral student in its headquarters with the aim of supporting the study and development of innovative research results, funding the third and final year of the scholarship.
The National Operational Program for Research and Innovation 2014-2020 is the tool with which Italy contributes to improving the quality of higher education and strengthening research, technological development and innovation, achieving the objectives of the European Union's cohesion policy. The Program, managed by the Ministry of University and Research (MUR), is developed in line with the strategic objectives of the European programs Horizon 2020 and Cosme, in synergy with the National Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (SNSI).