![Summer INPS Together, ISO 9001 and UNI EN 14804 among the requirements for tour operators](https://www.csqa.it/getattachment/989808b6-a584-4eff-9331-3cf7b1fd84ae/6ba66c0d-d9a0-47fa-a945-5f28b73aad9e.jpg)
Summer INPSieme 2023 is the INPS tender that makes scholarships available to participants, to allow students aged between 6 and 19 who are children of employees to participate in summer stays in Italy or INPS study holidays abroad .
Tour operators will no longer have to be accredited with INPS, but will have to comply with specific requirements , including:
- for packages in Italy the quality system certification of the UNI EN ISO 9001 series;
- for the Summer Inpsieme Estero packages, the UNI EN 14804 certification for the organization of study stays abroad.
All documentation is available at this link .