Home Corporate Communication News GlobalG.AP Plant Propagation Material (PPM)

GlobalG.AP Plant Propagation Material (PPM)

The range of services offered by CSQA expands.

The Plant Propagation Material (PPM) standard allows you to certify plant reproductive material .
It is applicable to farms or nurseries that produce and sell propagation material (seedlings, cuttings, seeds, etc.) intended for operators in the sector who grow vegetables, fruit, flowers, ornamental and aromatic plants.

It is a sub-scope of the GlobalG.AP IFA standard for crop production.
This certification shares two of the three applicable modules with the more well-known and widespread Globalgap Ortofrutta (FV) certification. Therefore, the company that intends to get certified, will have to adapt to the generic modules AF (All Farm Base), CB (Crops Base) and to the specific module which is precisely called PPM (Plant Propagation Material).
Some of the topics considered by the PPM standard are:
  • soil and production site management,
  • substrate management, propagation activities and facilities,
  • hygiene,
  • the health and safety of workers,
  • the conditions and terms of the commercialization of the certified material.

Why get certified?
  • because the agricultural supply chain does not (necessarily) start from the farm but from the producers of nursery material that we can now certify in accordance with the GlobalG.AP PPM standard.
  • because producers who have certified their fruit and vegetables will be able to demonstrate that they have used certified raw materials and thus give evidence of compliance with some requirements (CB. 2.1.1, CB. 2.2.1)
  • Because some farms produce both fruit and vegetables/flowers and nursery material and could obtain both certifications with a single verification .

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