Accompanying pappa al pomodoro on tables all over the world is a Grana Padano DOP entirely traced in blockchain with a Bergamo flavour. The system that allows the collection of data from the entire supply chain , from the stable to the warehouse, is the new frontier of Grana Padano DOP and comes from the Torre Pallavicina dairy (which brings together about twenty companies from Brescia and Bergamo that produce milk), which on 18 June made its first certified form official: it is the zero form, the first Grana entirely traced in blockchain.
“The industrial project announced two years ago with the aim of maximum transparency is concrete, we have collected all the sensitive data along the supply chain”, proudly declares Gianmaria Bettoni , president of the Torre Pallavicina dairy, during the B2Cheese at the Bergamo Fair.
A great point of arrival that is already a starting point for other projects, such as the encounter with artificial intelligence. “We have made something complex simple without weighing on breeders,” reiterates Michele Zema, sales manager of CSQA , the Grana Padano certification body that validated the Torre Pallavicina model, recognizing it as fully compliant with the disciplinary requirements .
Source: Corriere della Sera – Ed. Bergamo