The new control plan for the traditional South Tyrolean crispy rye bread has been approved
The certifying body will be CSQA, sector leader in support of 65 Italian PDO PGIs

After the official registration at European level which took place on 24 July 2020, the Schüttelbrot Alto Adige PGI, the traditional South Tyrolean crispy rye bread, obtained the approval of the control plan by the Central Inspectorate for the Protection of Quality and Fraud Repression of agri-food products of the Mipaaf (ICQRF), the last step that precedes the complete marketing of the certified product at a global level.
CSQA Certificazioni will carry out the control and certification task, under the supervision of the Mipaaf, which confirms the strong commitment to supporting the Italian PDO PGI supply chains in the area with the sixty-fifth controlled denomination.
An important step for producers which, after enrollment in the European register in July, will make it possible to further strengthen the system of protection of a national excellence appreciated in many countries. Composed of the basic ingredients of rye flour, water, yeast, salt and spices, Schüttelbrot Alto Adige PGI, whose origins date back at least to the Middle Ages, is in fact a product particularly suitable for export both for the quality of the product - a typical "spare bread" - and for its recognized historical and cultural origin.
“Following the granting of the IGP to Schüttelbrot Alto Adige, the approval of the control plan represents a further important milestone in the growth of the whole sector of quality South Tyrolean bread-making - declared the President of the Südtiroler Schüttelbrot IGP Association, Johann Trenker. First of all, we are convinced that the Geographical Indication will succeed in favoring the international protection of a product appreciated abroad and often the victim of imitations linked to its origin; we are also confident that the certified product can obtain recognition of its value on the market, also favoring the increase in export countries and the growth of knowledge of the product's quality on the part of consumers".
Among the most relevant elements of the new control plan that will be applied to all subjects of the regulated supply chain - bakers and packagers - the verification of the production process with its "traditional recipe", the control of the physical organoleptic characteristics and the attestation of compliance with the specification of the use of rye flour and spices.
"With the approval of the Control Plan by the Mipaaf - says Pietro Bonato - CEO and General Manager of CSQA - a process that has led to the well-deserved recognition of the PGI for Schüttelbrot Alto Adige is concluded, a product of ancient origin that enters the ranks of Italian and European agri-food excellence, enriching the supply chain of certified bakery products. We are proud that the Südtiroler Schüttelbrot Association has chosen CSQA as Certification Body, a phase of active collaboration is now starting with all the operators in the sector for the protection of this characteristic bread with a spicy and aromatic taste”.