CSQA has issued the certification to the first training body that implements the standards of the ISO 2999X series in an integrated way: ISO 29991 - ISO 29993 - ISO 29994 for non-formal training.
The three standards are managed by CSQA - one of the few entities in Italy to have invested in this area - with Accredia accreditation .
Accademia Eraclitea is the training agency in Catania that reaches this ambitious goal.
It is an accredited research and higher education institution that designs and implements self-financed and financed training courses for functional interventions to the needs of unemployed/unemployed young people, employees, companies and professionals for all categories consistent with the purposes of the institution's statute and in harmony with the provisions of the law.
The teaching staff is made up of university professors and professionals who are experts in the subjects covered by the various training activities.
Accademia Eraclitea had already structured a management system, certifying ISO 9001 and ISO 21001 , and then chose the ISO 29990 series standards for the certification of educational and training services.
The service certifications focus on the characteristics of the courses provided , investigating the technical contents of the same and the methods of delivery of the course, as well as the effectiveness of the training.
In this case, the certification qualifies the service linked to the provision of the course which is subject to verification.
Agenda 2030 also includes Goal 4 , specific for quality education (and training) , demonstrating how fundamental it is for sustainable development to "Ensure quality, equitable and inclusive education, and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all". The revision of the package of rules applicable to this sector fits into this context.