Home Corporate Communication News Joinfruit, Gender equality in the fruit and vegetable sector

Joinfruit, Gender equality in the fruit and vegetable sector

CSQA releases PdR 125 to the first Fruit and Vegetable Producers Organization

Joinfruit, Gender equality in the fruit and vegetable sector

Joinfruit, Gender equality in the fruit and vegetable sector Today, in the Hall of Honor of the Old Town Hall of Saluzzo (CN) the ceremony for the delivery of the certification UNI PdR 125 for gender equality achieved by the OP Joinfruit of Verzuolo (CN), an award that represents a significant achievement at regional and national level, as well as a positive example for all cooperative enterprises in the fruit and vegetable sector and not.
With 12 employees, including 8 women, 6 members/first level members and about 200 associated producers/producers, Joinfruit is the first Fruit and Vegetable Producer Organization to be certified by CSQA for Gender Equality, and among the first Italian agricultural enterprises to achieve this goal.

The delivery was made by CSQA Director General Maria Chiara Ferrarese, the certification body with which Joinfruit has undertaken the path of voluntary certification and attestation that has ended positively with the issuance of the certification for Gender Equality - Uni PdR 125.

"This certification - explains Bruno Sacchi, Director of Joinfruit - is part of the ESG objectives of Joinfruit: the assumption from which we started is that sustainability is not only environmental (E), but must also include people at the center of social principles (S) and governance (G). For this reason, the PO has decided to commit itself to a path on gender equality, by including the achievement of this certification in its 2024 Operational Plan."

TEAM-JOINFRUIT-(1).jpg"Gender Equality" - says Maria Chiara Ferrarese, CSQA Director General, "is a current, complex and delicate issue to be addressed.
Results are not achieved in a short time or by "duty" but through the dissemination of a new culture, not only corporate but civil, based on equal opportunities and inclusion.
It is only through a strategic choice, through daily work and example, that culture spreads and is really "metabolized" by the social fabric.
Voluntary standardisation supports this process by defining a shared and recognised methodology.
Certification is a choice, not an obligation, which denotes transparency and commitment, the demonstration of a "substance" commitment to employees, stakeholders and institutions.
The fact that the agricultural sector is also addressing these issues represents a great step forward and denotes a new sensitivity that is gradually maturing to generate a positive impact towards sustainable growth of society".


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