Home Corporate Communication Press Review The Ponte di Piave winery is officially sustainable

The Ponte di Piave winery is officially sustainable

CSQA, a leading public-controlled body in the "agriculture" and "food and beverage" sectors, has certified that Viticoltori Ponte's sustainability management system complies with the SOPD EQUALITAS standard.

The Ponte di Piave winery is officially sustainable
The Ponte di Piave winery is officially sustainable

After over a year of careful analysis and accurate checks, CSQA , a publicly controlled body leader in the " agriculture " and " food and beverage " sectors, has certified that Viticoltori Ponte's sustainability management system complies with the SOPD EQUALITAS standard, developed in line with the 17 objectives (SDGs) established by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development .

The objectives refer to fundamental issues for global development and aim to end poverty, fight against inequality, tackle climate change and build peaceful societies that respect human rights.

Sustainability is to be understood not as an immutable state or vision, rather as a continuous process that recalls the need to combine the three fundamental and inseparable dimensions, or pillars, of development: Environmental pillar : correct use of environmental resources; social pillar : respect for the dignity and rights of the person; economic pillar : economic well-being and equity.


Source: Newsfood.com

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