Home Corporate Communication News Guideline for environmental management systems UNI EN ISO 14002

Guideline for environmental management systems UNI EN ISO 14002

Part 1 of the general guidelines has been published in Italian

Guideline for environmental management systems UNI EN ISO 14002
Guideline for environmental management systems UNI EN ISO 14002 The ISO 14000 family can help organizations protect the environment and support them in making changes for the planet.

This is the case of the recent transposition into Italian by the Environment commission of EN ISO 14002 part 1.

This document provides general guidelines for organizations that intend to systematically manage specific environmental aspects and impacts for one or more environmental thematic areas, based on ISO 14001 , and constitutes the framework of common elements for the subsequent parts of the ISO 14002 series.

The ISO 14002 series provides guidelines aimed at specific types of environmental aspects and related environmental conditions such as, for example, those related to water, climate, waste.

The benefits of an organization applying this set of standards can include:
  • improving environmental performance within specific environmental thematic areas, for example efficient use of water;
  • protecting the environment by preventing or mitigating negative environmental impacts within specific environmental thematic areas, for example the interconnections of material resources with ecosystems;
  • the reduction of potential negative effects on the organization caused for example by floods or droughts;
  • align the environmental management system with the organisation's strategy, for example to support a specific environmental policy.
Organizations wishing to undertake this path must implement planning actions to be able to compare their performance over time and undertake improvement actions within their environmental management system.

The Italian translation of part 2 will also be made available shortly. (Source: https://www.uni.com/ )

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