The Guidelines are the result of the work of the Agroindustria Table, established at MIMIT, and in particular are the result of a series of meetings within the "Circulars" subgroup, which also includes the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Health, and of the useful contributions provided by all the participants in the Working Group.
The unification in a single document and the adaptation to the current legislation make the text more usable for economic operators in the food sector, so that the Guidelines can represent a valid support tool for the correct application of the sectoral provisions.
The Guidelines provide useful indications for the application of the quantitative indication of ingredients - so-called QUID - which appear in the sales name, which are highlighted on the labelling or which are essential to characterise the food.
Furthermore, they provide clarifications on the regulatory provisions governing specific categories of foods such as, for example, pre-packaged and non-pre-packaged products, milk and fresh stretched curd cheeses, baked goods and the labelling of meat as ingredients.
The Guidelines update and replace the circulars issued in the past by the Ministry (circular no. 165 of 31 March 2000, circular no. 167 of 2 August 2001, circular no. 168 of 10 November 2003 and circular no. 168/bis of 25 March 2004). (Source: https://www.mimit.gov.it/ )