The Val di Non PDO Apple is a representative product of the basket of PDO PGI products from Trentino-Alto Adige , an area which - exclusively in the food sector - can boast 16 products with Geographical Indications for an economic value of €319 million generated by work of 11,300 operators (Source: Ismea-Qualivita Report 2023).

The second Italian PDO GPI fruit and vegetable product in terms of production value , the Val di Non PDO apple can now count on a supply chain of over 150,000 tonnes of certified production - of which 20% destined for export - and involves almost 4000 operators (Consortium data protection of the PDO Apple Val di Non, Ismea-Qualivita Report 2023).
Since 2003, the Consortium for the protection of the DOP Mela Val di Non has safeguarded and valorised this excellence by working to encourage the cultivation and marketing of these historical varieties, highly appreciated by Italian and foreign consumers. “The PDO represents a precious instrument of guarantee for the consumer which over the years has rewarded the effort of us farmers” comments Ernesto Seppi, president of the Melinda Consortium.
“Our confirmation” – underlines Pietro Bonato, CSQA CEO – “is the result of the synergistic work carried out on the guarantee of this extraordinary product of the fruit-growing tradition of the province of Trento. An area, the Val di Non, where apple cultivation has been documented for over 2000 years and characterized by climatic and pedological conditions that have always made it one of the most suitable areas in the world for the production of apples.
We are therefore proud to continue on the path undertaken and the renewed trust in CSQA ”.
The Val Di Non PDO Apple confirms the value of the portfolio of PDO PGI products certified by CSQA , which currently has 81 Geographical Indications : a fact that underlines the desire to increasingly accompany the development of quality agri-food supply chains, a symbol of Made in Italy and the vocation of the territories.