Home Corporate Communication News The Observatory for the circular economy is born

The Observatory for the circular economy is born

Who is part of it and what are the tasks assigned

The Observatory for the circular economy is born
The Observatory for the circular economy is born

It needed two decrees , issued not even a month apart from each other, but now the Circular Economy Observatory is finally a reality. It is one of the latest reforms desired by the PNRR that the Ministry of Ecological Transition , in the now old denomination, has given birth to.

It is a new body which, in the words of the former MiTe undersecretary Vannia Gava , will have the "task of monitoring the implementation status of the measures contained in the national strategy, promoting discussions with the social partners and trade associations , promoting awareness of the circular economy".

But what exactly will this observatory do?

Since June 2021, when the circular economy returned to Component 1 of Mission 2 of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan approved by the European Union, numerous decrees have followed, as can be seen from the MiTE page. However, progress still appears to be insufficient.

The tasks of the Circular Economy Observatory

From the decree of 18 October we learn that "the Observatory for the Circular Economy has the task of:
  1. a) monitor the implementation status of the measures defined in the national strategy for the circular economy, identify any obstacles and propose initiatives aimed at resolving them;
  2. b) ensure discussion with the social partners and with the most representative trade associations through involvement in thematic tables and consultation on programmatic documents ;
  3. c) carry out an effective communication and dissemination action towards the public administration, public and private operators and citizens for the promotion of initiatives aimed at achieving the objectives;
  4. d) prepare summary documents on the state of implementation of the measures and on any critical issues, also for the purpose of updating and integrating the Strategy;
  5. e) monitor, define and quantify the intermediate targets of the measures contained in the national strategy for the circular economy;
  6. g) provide guidelines for the integration or annual updating of the Strategy time schedule , based on the achievement of the objectives set"
As can be seen, they are all propulsive tasks but the Observatory is not entrusted with decision-making powers. The hope is that the pushes and suggestions will then be implemented by the government and local authorities, often in trouble or unable to fully grasp the potential of the circular economy .

Who is part of the Circular Economy Observatory

After the first decree of the MiTe of 30 September, with which the Observatory was established, a subsequent decree arrived on 18 October which provided for a series of additions on the formation of the Observatory. Now the presidency is officially entrusted to Laura D'Aprile , director of MiTe and expert in waste management. The vice president is Giacomo Vigna , an official at the Ministry of Economic Development.

This body also includes a member of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Agriculture, Infrastructure, Health and Education. Added to this is a member of the Anci and a member for each Region . In addition, the Observatory makes use of the scientific support of ISPRA and ENEA .

Finally, the Observatory will have a limited duration , at least for now, because it is "functional to the implementation of the timetable of the National Strategy for the circular economy", the task is carried out free of charge and it will also be possible to participate in the meetings online. (Source: Circular Economy.com )


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