Shortage of young people. Overseas Brain Drain . Perhaps even a certain unease towards large and medium-sized enterprises, in a land dotted with small businesses that are often the extension of the family and its very personal private code.
It is not easy to attract talent to a region like Veneto; aware of this, the most far-sighted companies have developed real welfare cultures in recent years , much more articulated and refined than the simple increase in salaries, the latter measure necessary but not sufficient nowadays to bind talents to themselves. Who increasingly seek recognition in the workplace, values to share and the opportunity to complete their personality , made up of the experiences accumulated in the company but also of those gained outside it.
Carlo Perini is aware of this, a manager with an important past in the fashion & luxury sector and today the president and CEO of Csqa, an important company in the field of product certification , whose activities are coordinated from the headquarters in Thiene, in the province of Vicenza.
A leading company on a national level , operating (not only) in the agri-food sector, as well summed up by the fact that over 60% of the products on Italian tables pass through the Csqa certification .
Question, What is your business context?
Answer. We are a service company; we have no machinery, our capital is people , almost 300 young employees, because the average age is 38 and if we don't consider the top management, the age drops even further; as many men as women.
Q, How do you grow human capital?
A. We have long understood the importance of paying attention to what is technically called an intangible asset. Which in reality is not intangible, as it is precisely human capital. How precious it is can be understood from the difficulties that are increasingly encountered in finding personnel, finding talent and then retaining them in the company, as confirmed by the statistics which quantify the increase in similar difficulties from 20% to 80% in recent years.
Source: Milan Finance