A mountain cheese historically produced from milk of the Bruna Alpina breed, mostly in small dairies, the Nostrano Valtrompia Protected Designation of Origin is one of the excellences that symbolise the dairy quality of Lombardy , which as a region has 15 PDO GPI TSG cheeses for a production value of 1.65 billion euros within this sector alone (Data from the Ismea-Qualivita 2023 Report).

The Nostrano Valtrompia PDO supply chain has an ancient history as attested by sources and documents dating back to the sixteenth century and has always had a strong niche quality dimension which today involves 5 operators capable of producing 6 tons of certified production within the nineteen municipalities of the production area located in the province of Brescia (Data from the Protection Consortium and Ismea-Qualivita 2023 Report).
Since 2014, the Consortium for the Protection of Nostrano Valtrompia has safeguarded and promoted this excellence and, since 2017, has made an ancient mine available to producers for the maturing of their cheeses , where stable temperatures and humidity all year round allow for slow refinement.
Today, this activity has become the centerpiece of a tourist experience that attracts a good audience, especially during the summer, interested in discovering the peculiarities of the PDO cheese.
The experience in the heart of a deep mountain cave offers an immersion in production techniques, exploring the link between territory, environment, history and local culture , combining them in some cases with a nature trekking activity.
The choice to reconfirm CSQA , the leading certification body in Italy in the field of Geographical Indications, is dictated by the desire to collaborate with a body prepared to guarantee consumers and producers themselves.
“With the control activity by CSQA” – underlines Mauro Beltrami, President of the Consortium for the Protection of Nostrano Valtrompia – “which supports that of the Consortium, constant attention is encouraged in the production of our PDO cheese, which boasts high standards of quality and authenticity, always aimed at protecting consumers”.
“Our confirmation as the Control Body of Nostrano Valtrompia DOP” – states Pietro Bonato, CEO of CSQA – “is the result of the work carried out on the guarantee front of this excellent cheese.
This product is the expression of its land of origin, the Trompia Valley and of the traditional practices for its production and seasoning which takes place in the mines, places suited and appreciated also from a tourist point of view.
Nostrano Valtrompia PDO has a full and intense flavour and aroma, given by the particularity of the addition of saffron which combines goodness with the virtues of authenticity, naturalness and sustainability.
We are happy to continue on the path we have taken and to have renewed confidence in our company in the promotion of products with a designation of origin”.
The PDO Nostrano Valtrompia confirms the value of the portfolio of PDO PGI products certified by CSQA , which currently includes 81 Geographical Indications : a figure that underlines the desire to increasingly support the development of quality agri-food supply chains, a symbol of Made in Italy and the vocation of the territories.