Protection Consortium: "Growth linked to the mountain area"
CSQA confirmed for checks on the certified supply chain with the aim of continuing to guarantee the highest quality to the consumer.
The Central Inspectorate for the Protection of Quality and Fraud Repression (ICQRF) of agri-food products of the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies has renewed the authorization for CSQA Certificazioni to carry out controls for the Nostrano Valtrompia Protected Designation of Origin .
Nostrano Valtrompia DOP, a historic Lombard cheese produced from Bruna Alpina breed milk, is produced in the Trompia Valley in Brescia. It is one of the symbols of quality agri-food which aims to express its potential by increasing production and the economic impact on the territory. In 2020, the PDO produced 7 tons of certified product equal to 150 thousand euros in production value, contributing to the basket of Lombardy which can boast 34 PDO PGI agri-food products - of which 15 belong to the cheese sector - and assets worth 2.19 billion euros in production value (Ismea-Qualivita 2020 Report Data).
After the request to modify the specification , sent to the European Commission with the aim of expanding production and increasingly promoting its diffusion in small local dairies, the choice arrives to confirm in the CSQA controls.
"A new step in the development strategy of the supply chain dictated by the desire to double production within a few years" - says Mauro Beltrami, president of the protection consortium . - “Production potential is already widely present in Val Trompia. There are dozens of small family farms equipped with mini-dairies. The bet is to convince producers to enhance their products, precisely through the qualification of DOP. Thanks also to the effort of the Comunità Montana, we have a large maturing mine, which allows us to further characterize our cheese. The qualitative results are evident and, unexpectedly, is the curiosity shown by consumers, who visit the facility in large numbers".
“Our confirmation as the Control Body of Nostrano Valtrompia DOP - says Pietro Bonato, General Manager and CEO of CSQA - is the result of the work carried out on the front of guaranteeing this product from the ancient history testified by sources and documents dating back to the 1500s which describe in detail the breeding methods and cheese-making customs, practices often brought together in a single figure, that of the breeder / cheesemaker handed down from father to son. We are happy to continue on the path taken and of the renewed trust in our company in terms of enhancing products with designation of origin".
Nostrano Valtrompia DOP confirms the value of the portfolio of Geographical Indications controlled by CSQA , which currently has 69 Geographical Indications : a figure that underlines the desire to increasingly accompany the development of quality agri-food supply chains, a symbol of Made in Italy and the vocation of the territories .