Protection consortium: "Cohesion on the territory is fundamental in the relaunch strategy"
CSQA confirmed to carry out checks on over 250 tons of the certified supply chain
The Central Inspectorate for the Protection of Quality and Fraud Repression of agri-food products of Mipaaf (ICQRF) has renewed the authorization, with Ministerial Decree, to CSQA Certificazioni to carry out controls for Garda DOP extra virgin olive oil for the next three years.
Garda DOP oil, a symbol of sustainable tourism on the shores of the lake of the same name, represents the seventh chain of certified Italian oils, thanks to over 250 tons of DOP production (average three-year period 2018-2020) which generated a production value of 3 million euros (average 2018-2020 - Ismea-Qualivita Report 2021 data).
At a territorial level, the certified Garda DOP oil supply chain contributes to the basket of certified agri-food products of three regions: Lombardy (34 Geographical Indication products for a production value of €1.64 billion), Veneto (36 Geographical Indication products for a production value of €402 billion) and Trentino-Alto Adige (16 Geographical Indication products for a production value of €371 billion).
Since 2004, the Consortium for the protection of Garda DOP extra virgin olive oil has been pursuing a wide-ranging project for the protection and enhancement of oil at all levels - from oil culture to respect for the environment - through multi-channel communication projects, numerous promotional and training events for operators in the Horeca and distribution sectors and the control activities that led to the reconfirmation of CSQA with the aim of guaranteeing the final consumer the authentic quality of true Garda DOP oil.
The choice to confirm CSQA, a leading certification body in Italy in the field of geographical indications, is dictated by the desire to continue a collaboration that puts the guaranteed quality and typical center in the center, as stated by the Avv. Simone Padovani, president of the Protection Consortium : "The choice to confirm CSQA as the control body of the Garda Dop Oil Consortium, is dictated by a profitable multi -year collaboration as well as by the self -discussed reliability. Moreover, not only in agri -food supply chains ".
Our confirmation as Control Body for GARDA DOP extra virgin olive oil - says Pietro Bonato, Director General and CEO of CSQA - is the result of the synergistic work carried out on the front of the guarantee and enhancement of this product, symbol of the lake shores and its chosen territory. An oil of excellence deriving from an artisanal process that boasts distant roots and which finds traces in numerous ancient manuscripts, starting from the verses of Virgil up to the works of Gabriele D'Annunzio. A story that proudly tells of an area with a Mediterranean climate, overlooked by Alpine peaks. We are therefore proud to continue on the path taken and of the renewed trust in our company in terms of enhancing the value of typical products".
Garda DOP oil confirms the value of the DOP IGP product portfolio certified by CSQA, which currently includes 70 Geographical Indications: a figure that underlines the desire to increasingly accompany the sustainable development of quality agri-food supply chains, a symbol of Made in Italy and the vocation of the territories .