Home Corporate Communication News Fazzi Hospital of Lecce, ISO 9001 of PDFA prostate and bladder

Fazzi Hospital of Lecce, ISO 9001 of PDFA prostate and bladder

Delivery to the multidisciplinary uro-oncological group of the certificate of the Diagnostic-Therapeutic-Assistance (PDTA) path

Fazzi Hospital of Lecce, ISO 9001 of PDFA prostate and bladder
Fazzi Hospital of Lecce, ISO 9001 of PDFA prostate and bladder The multidisciplinary Uro-oncological Group of the Vito Fazzi Hospital in Lecce has obtained ISO 9001 certification from CSQA for the diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathway (PDTA) dedicated to patients with prostate and bladder cancer and clinical trials.

The ISO 9001 Quality certification seals a training course in the field and represents a recognition of safety and quality of care which commits the entire organization to guaranteeing:
  • the appropriateness of the routes,
  • multidisciplinary management through a dedicated pathology team which, on a weekly basis and in full synergy, defines in a coordinated way the optimal path for each individual patient from diagnosis to follow-up,
  • punctual compliance with the provisions of the regional oncology network and medico-legal legislation through the implementation and monitoring of key quality indicators (KPI) and field audits of the processes involved,
  • maintaining the quality standards of the services provided according to the logic of continuous improvement.

“We receive an important acknowledgment which is an acknowledgment not to an individual but to a multidisciplinary team that totally takes care of a patient with prostate and bladder cancer. A governance model whereby a patient knows he can be taken by the hand and followed from the diagnosis, or from the suspicion of a disease, until the end of the treatment by a work group that has certified guarantees, which respects certain national and international guidelines. I think it is a reassuring element to know that this organizational tool exists - in the hands of professionals and new technologies - within our hospital for the management of prostate and bladder cancer. This is excellence, this is the meaning of the certificate we receive today,” said Vincenzo Pagliarulo, Director of UOC Urology at Fazzi .

“This very important certification is the result of the commitment of the multidisciplinary Uro-oncological group of Fazzi. Great credit goes to Dr. Vincenzo Pagliarulo and to the urologists, oncologists, radiologists, radiotherapists, anatomopathologists and to all the colleagues who, with great commitment and dedication, deal every day with an appropriate and complete management of the patient with these neoplasms" commented Silvana Leo, Director of the Fazzi Medical Oncology Unit .

“It is recognition of the quality and effectiveness of the prostate and bladder cancer treatment process which has brought innovation to the Vito Fazzi hospital in terms of taking charge of the patients involved. Our Company is focusing a lot on quality, on effective and efficient treatments, on treatment outcomes and on the quality of life during and after treatment. Together with Dr. Pagliarulo, a multidisciplinary team of clinicians works every day and this certification represents an important recognition for a team of professionals in a hospital like ours which is evolving towards a university and research vocation” commented the ASL Lecce Medical Director Antonio Bray .

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