CSQA has issued the first accredited certification in the face of UNI Pdr 125 - which defines the guidelines for a management system for gender equality - to the Work Promotion Cooperative .
It is a Social Cooperative of Solidarity (ONLUS) which offers and develops, directly or through third parties , services for the elderly, health services, home care services, disability services and services for minors.
Since gender equality is perceived by the Cooperative as an element of identity, the decision was born to start the process for UNI Pdr 125 certification, in order to give further impetus to already existing cultural and organizational paths.
The practice aims to encourage companies to adopt adequate policies to reduce the gender gap in all the areas that present the most critical issues, such as career opportunities, equal pay for equal jobs, gender difference management policies and maternity protection.
In order for "gender equality" actions to be effective, the reference practice defines a series of feasible, relevant and comparable indicators (KPIs) capable of guiding change and representing continuous improvement.