Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Piave PDO: “priority to promotion on the markets and training of operators”

Piave PDO cheese is one of the most important dairy excellences that contribute to the rich basket of protected products of Veneto , a region which - exclusively in the food sector - can boast 36 PDO GPI products for an economic value of €433 million generated by the work of 3,767 operators (Ismea-Qualivita Report Data 2022).
Born from the ancient tradition of domestic dairy art, Piave PDO can now count on a supply chain of 1,900 tonnes of certified production, of which 12% destined for export and 155 operators capable of generating €17.1 million in value at production (Source Consorzio Tutela Formaggio Piave Dop).
Since 2010, the Consortium for the Protection of Piave PDO Cheese has safeguarded and enhanced this excellence with projects in Italy, Germany, Belgium, the United States, Canada and from this year also China and Japan. The objective, expressed across different targets, is always to spread knowledge of the Bellunese PDO and its link with the territory , highlighting its organoleptic and gustatory characteristics and suggesting new ways of using it in the kitchen.
Training activities aimed at operators are fundamental, through guided tastings, masterclasses and walkaround tastings, and the use of modern communication tools capable of reaching a large audience.
The choice to reconfirm CSQA , the leading certification body in Italy in the field of Geographical Indications, is dictated by the desire to continue a protection path that began 13 years ago , as stated by Modesto De Cet, President of the Piave Dop Cheese Protection Consortium : "Since 2010 the Consortium's commitment is to enhance and protect this cheese, in Italy and abroad, and with the reconfirmation of CSQA we renew the constant and essential commitment to guarantee consumers and operators a certified and controlled supply chain".
“Our confirmation as the Piave PDO control body - underlines Pietro Bonato, General Director and CEO of CSQA - is the result of the work carried out on the guarantee of this hard, cooked cheese whose production area covers the entire territory of the province of Belluno. An excellence born at the foot of the Dolomite peaks among woods and valleys rich in pastures, an environment that has been suited to the breeding of dairy cattle for centuries and is the result of the experience of local master cheesemakers who still produce it today respecting traditional methods. We are proud to continue on the path undertaken and the renewed trust in CSQA in terms of valorising products with a designation of origin".
Piave PDO confirms the value of the portfolio of PDO PGI products certified by CSQA , which has 79 Geographical Indications : a fact that underlines the desire to increasingly accompany the development of quality agri-food chains, symbol of Made in Italy and the vocation of territories.