Home Corporate Communication Press Review The new perspectives of the “La spiaggia dei valori” project presented in Forlì

The new perspectives of the “La spiaggia dei valori” project presented in Forlì

On Saturday 15 February, the Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì Foundation hosted the presentation of the “La Spiaggia dei Valori” project at the Monte di Pietà headquarters, and in particular the development that the project is giving rise to the signing of three new collaboration agreements with the ASL Romagna, the University of Bologna and the Istituto Oncologico Romagnolo.

The new perspectives of the “La spiaggia dei valori” project presented in Forlì
The new perspectives of the “La spiaggia dei valori” project presented in Forlì

The Spiaggia dei Valori is an innovative structure , built on the coast of Punta Marina Terme, with the aim of guaranteeing everyone, starting with people with disabilities, the possibility of a holiday in absolute relaxation, assisted by specialized personnel and volunteers.

The facility was inaugurated in 2024 as part of the project “In Emilia-Romagna c'è una vacanza per me” , financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region thanks to an allocation from the Ministry for Disabilities, based on the experience started in 2018 by the Faenza association “Insieme a te”.

Since 2018, the Association has, in fact , made free bathing accessible to more than 1,400 guests , thanks to the support of more than 2,100 volunteers from all over Italy. In addition to the bathing facility, capable of 30 stations with umbrellas, deck chairs and specific equipment for people with high-level motor disabilities and neurodegenerative diseases, “Insieme a te” manages barrier-free apartments for beach guests and promotes awareness-raising activities on disability in schools, having involved over 5,500 students to date. An activity that has earned it the Accessible Tourism Award 2023 and, in 2024, the Ecotourism Oscar of Legambiente and the WEmbrace Award .


At the beginning of the press conference, Debora Donati, founder and president of “Insieme a te” received from CSQA the recognition for Spiaggia dei Valori of the UNI/PDR 13 Certification – the first reality in Italy to obtain it – which attests to the high standard of accessibility of the services offered, and also revealed that she had been called as a speaker at the World Conference on Disability at the UN, which will be held in New York in June of this year.

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