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Sustainable wine production: New Green Revolution

CSQA certifies the Grandi Cru Association of Montefalco

Seven entrepreneurs, belonging to the Grandi Cru Association of Montefalco , have launched the New Green Revolution project: a wine production protocol through which to develop a system of environmental, social and economic sustainability that represents a competitive advantage for companies and for the territory in which they operate.

This protocol, the first in Italy born from a synergy of various companies, is a candidate to be the reference model for other entrepreneurial realities that want to certify the sustainability of their activities.

The companies that have decided to take this path are: Arnaldo Caprai, Az. Agr. Adanti, Soc. Agr. Antonelli San Marco, Az. Agr. Antano, Soc. Agr. Perticaia, Az. Agr. Scacciadiavoli, Az. Agr. Tabarrini, all belonging to the territory of Montefalco. Only on this precious land, in fact, has the Sagrantino grape grown for more than four hundred years, a unique vine in the world at the base of a great red of the same name: Sagrantino di Montefalco, Docg since 1992 .

A collective brand (New Green Revolution ), owned by the Grandi Cru di Montefalco Association, will be granted for use to all those wineries in the area that will adopt and comply with the requirements contained in the following decalogue:

1. High level technical management of the vineyard;
2. Reduction of use of resources;
3. Landscape and biodiversity conservation;
4. Product traceability;
5. Respect and safety at work;
6. Well-being of users and visitors;
7. Dialogue with customers;
8. Commitment to the local community;
9. Economic sustainability and innovation;
10. Logging of activities.

This will make it possible to monitor the quality and impact of company activities in an objective, rigorous and measurable way.

The project was developed in two phases of work :
  1. the first phase concerned the retrieval and analysis of vineyard management data and was coordinated by prof. Leonardo Valenti of the University of Milan ,
  2. the second phase concerned the development of the production protocol and the related fulfillment criteria, and was elaborated by dr. Marco Montanari of Anima Mundi .

In order to give the right recognition to the virtuous path carried out and to guarantee the effective commitment of the companies, the Grandi Cru Association of Montefalco has commissioned CSQA Certificazioni to proceed with the certification of the "Management and Concession System of the New Green Revolution brand" .

The certification system provides for the evaluation by the Association of all companies that will request the logo on the basis of a series of compliance criteria that specify the points listed in the decalogue.

A score will also be assigned for each compliance criterion in order to identify the level of compliance achieved. This will allow companies to classify their level and to focus efforts on improving it. CSQA will issue a certificate reporting the level reached only to the verified companies.

The brand licensee companies will then have to undertake to respect the level achieved ascertained by the Association, which will periodically check the level of compliance achieved for each criterion.

“It is a great pleasure - said Pietro Bonato , General Manager of CSQA Certifications - to have undertaken this interesting and innovative certification process in collaboration with the Montefalco Grandi Cru Association, which involves companies in the Montefalco area.

Our job consists in declaring a company's compliance with a reference standard both to satisfy the increasingly demanding demands of the consumer on the characteristics of the product they buy, and to enhance management models, i.e. the way an organization works. The wine sector is very important to us, so much so that with Valoritalia we are the leading company in Italy in the control activities carried out with the authorization of the MIPAAF on DO and GI wines and on table wines with indication of the grape variety and/or vintage”.

“Positive performances in the agricultural system, and in particular in viticulture, - said Marco Caprai , President of Confagricoltura Umbria and of the Montefalco Grandi Cru Association - do not go far without technique and research. It is necessary to indicate a road for the territory also in terms of development, because it is important to improve the national system but it is essential to be more competitive at the local level.

Wine produces wealth but above all it produces it where the territories become aware of this challenge for each other. The value of wine production goes well beyond the confines in which it takes place if all this is accompanied by a social, economic and environmental vision of the territory at the service of the company”.

The Montefalco 2015 project was born with the aim of creating a development model capable of representing Italy at the World Expo in Milan.
The activity started in 2009 was financed with measure 1.2.4 of the PSR Regione Umbria 2007/2013 for the transfer of innovation in agriculture.

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