Home Corporate Communication News Rainforest Alliance 2020: CSQA also authorized for fruit

Rainforest Alliance 2020: CSQA also authorized for fruit

Cocoa, Coffee, Nuts, Tea, Herbs and Spices and Fruit from sustainable agriculture with better opportunities for farmers

Rainforest Alliance 2020: CSQA also authorized for fruit
Rainforest Alliance 2020: CSQA also authorized for fruit

Cocoa, Coffee, Nuts, Tea, Herbs and Spices (for example chamomile) and Fruit (for example orange and pineapple fruit juices): these are the products for which CSQA is authorized to certify the subjects of the Rainforest Alliance Supply Chain.

Already authorized for the previous UTZ standard, in 2021 CSQA successfully obtained the authorization to carry out certification audits against the new Rainforest Alliance 2020 standard for a series of products, to which fruit has also been added since 1 January 2023 , which has now therefore become part of the crops managed in the Rainforest Multitrace portal.

RA2020 teaches farmers the adoption of good manufacturing practices , sets rules that lead to an improvement in working conditions, children's education and environmental protection .
Farmers grow better products, generate more income and create better opportunities while preserving the environment and protecting the earth's natural resources.

Rainforest Alliance 2020 creates a fully certified supply chain that starts from primary production and ends with retailers, to ensure a transparent supply chain of environmental and social value.

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