In 2021, all 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Norway and Northern Ireland reported the results of 351,637 targeted samples and 4,562 suspect samples. As regards the results of the targeted samples, non-conformities amounted to 0.24%, still down on the previous 4 years (0.27%-0.35%).
Compared to the results of the four-year period 2017-2020, in 2021 the non-conformities of the targeted samples decreased for antithyroid agents, for environmental contaminants, for chemical elements (including heavy metals) and for dyes.
For steroids and resorcylic acid lactones, however, the frequency of non-compliant results was higher than in 2020, but lower than in previous years.
Also for prohibited substances, compared to 2020, non-compliances in 2021 were higher, but in line with those of 2017 and 2018. Finally, there was a significant increase in non-compliance, compared to all previous years, for "other substances" such as copper compounds, acetamiprid, didecyldimethylammonium chloride and fipronil.
All data from the report is available, broken down by member state, on Knowledge Junction , an online platform powered by EFSA.
This support, in addition to improving the transparency and reproducibility of scientific evidence in the assessment of risks for food and feed safety, makes detailed and interactive consultation of the data possible. (Source: https://www.ceirsa.org /)
To know more:
Read the EFSA report on residues of veterinary medicines and other substances for 2021
Check out EFSA's 2021 data infographic