Home Corporate Communication News Food safety, Dgsante audit program in Italy

Food safety, Dgsante audit program in Italy

Countering AMR, avian flu, feed, controls on non-EU products, plant health

Food safety, Dgsante audit program in Italy

Food safety, Dgsante audit program in Italy The Directorate General for Health of the European Commission (DGSANTE) has announced the audits and controls that will be carried out in Member States to evaluate control systems on food and feed safety , food quality, animal health and welfare.

The 2024 program drawn up by the Directorate for Health and Food Audits and Analysis contains the details of the planned controls and describes the planned activities .

In Italy, 6 audits will be conducted, 1 control and 2 fact-finding studies.

Cognitive studies

In Italy, a fact-finding study on avian influenza under the theme of One health will be conducted to collect and evaluate information on collaboration mechanisms between public and animal health authorities to ensure rapid alert in the event of spillover, with the aim of informing the European Commission on public health strategies. The study will be conducted in Belgium, Italy, Poland, Portugal.


In Italy the Dgsante will also verify the adequacy of the controls on Regulation (EU) 2019/6 to verify the fight against antimicrobial resistance and adherence to the list of antimicrobials reserved for veterinary medicines for human use. The checks will be carried out in Italy, Greece and Holland.

Bird flu

In our country, Commission inspectors will also carry out an audit on highly pathogenic avian influenza .
The audit, which will also be carried out in Belgium, Poland and Portugal, falls within the scope of the investigation relating to category A diseases under animal health legislation.
Inspectors will check Member States' compliance with EU legislation governing disease control and the implementation of related official controls.

Category B and C diseases (Brucellosis)

The Dgsante will monitor, through a control , the application in Italy of the requirements of the Council Implementing Regulation 2021/620 regarding Brucellosis .
It will be the task of the inspectors to verify the reliability of Member States' declarations on the absence of diseases and their implementation of eradication programmes.
Periodic questionnaires will be submitted and up to 3 checks per year will be carried out for a period of 7-10 years.

Welfare of turkeys on farm

Italy will host European inspectors during a fact-finding study on the welfare of turkeys on farms.
The project will develop through bibliographic research, questionnaires, exchanges of opinions with Member States, fact-finding studies and possibly "technical visits". The study will also be carried out in France and Germany.

Feed safety

The audit, which will be conducted in Italy, Ireland and Poland, aims to verify Member States' compliance with EU legislation regulating the handling, use and disposal of animal by-products (ABPs) and derived products (DP) generated in the EU or placed on the EU market and the implementation of official controls.

Foods of Animal Origin - Fishery products

European inspectors will verify compliance with applicable EU food safety legislation governing the production and placing on the market of fishery products and the implementation of related official controls. The evaluation will also be conducted in Estonia, France, Poland and Portugal.

Entry into the Union

In Italy, checks will be carried out on compliance with the obligations regarding the performance of official controls on animals and goods entering the EU from third countries, as established in particular in Regulation (EU) 2017/625 and related delegated and implementing acts, and then verify that these animals and goods comply with the general and specific EU requirements applicable for entry into the EU.

Plant health

The Dgsante has ordered that in Italy, Greece and Romania a verification must also be carried out on compliance by the Member States with the applicable EU legislation governing the control of organisms harmful to EU plants found on EU territory and the implementation of the official controls on that territory.

The areas of verification that will be conducted in the Member States have been selected in relation to the legal obligations of the Commission, risk assessment and political priorities including the Farm To Fork strategy. (Source: https://www.anmvioggi.it/ )

Health and food audits and analysis program 2024

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