The data from the third AGRIcoltura100 Report, an in-depth study on the sustainability of the agricultural sector commissioned by Reale Mutua and Confagricoltura, demonstrates that sustainable agricultural enterprises grow more rapidly in terms of turnover and competitiveness.
The survey, presented in Rome at the Palazzo della Valle, was carried out by Innovation Team, a Cerved Group company, with the aim of promoting the contribution of agriculture to sustainable growth. It involved 2,806 farms from all over Italy, 30% more than in the second edition.
The AGRIcoltura100 index considers the number and intensity of the initiatives adopted in all areas of the country based on 236 variables relating to environmental and social sustainability, the management of relations with the supply chains and local communities and the quality of development and employment.In addition to the greater competitiveness of companies attentive to these issues, the 2023 Report also notes the strong link between sustainability and productivity and the central role of innovation as an accelerator towards the objectives.
"The interest of the sector in embarking on the path of sustainability is lively, concrete and driven by the need to combine the duties linked to the production of food for a growing population - said the President of Confagricoltura, Massimiliano Giansanti - with mitigating the effects of climate change and safeguarding the environment. The way forward is that of innovation and new technologies thanks to which it is possible to pursue environmental and economic objectives. Together, because one does not exclude the other".
More sustainability and innovation even in times of crisis
Agriculture has shown resilience in the most acute phase of the crisis, and the data collected demonstrates how the movement towards sustainability goes against the trend of criticality indices and the unstable economic and political context: companies with a high level of sustainability go from 49.8% in 2021 to 52.7% in 2022.The report shows how awareness of the importance attributed to sustainability is now rooted in companies:
- 85% of companies believe it is a priority to invest in product quality to guarantee the consumer,
- 73% to be more committed to protecting the environment,
- 66% believe it is necessary to strengthen relationships to network and achieve goals.
How sustainable?
The results of the survey on the areas affected by the entrepreneurial initiatives reflect a cross-cutting engagement of farms in the social, environmental and governance fields.The field in which companies focus their efforts most is on improving the use of resources such as water, soil and energy (98.7%), while their commitment to the protection of food quality and health (92%, up by 0.5% compared to 2021) underlines the willingness of companies to better guarantee the final consumer.
The commitment in the workplace safety area (64.5%) and in the risk management area (79.5%, up by 3% compared to 2021) reflect how the impact of sustainable strategies is not isolated to the environmental area, but also has a strong impact in the social and governance area.
A substantial factor is the interdependence between sustainability and competitiveness: 57% of companies with a high level of sustainability are also very competitive on the market.
The winners
The general classification of the third edition of Agricoltura100 selected three winning companies:- Santissima Annunziata - San Vincenzo (LI, Tuscany). Activity: Olive growing
- Bosco de' Medici farm of Palomba Giuseppe - Pompeii (NA, Campania). Activity: Viticulture
- Stuard Experimental Farm - Parma (PR, Emilia-Romagna). Activity: Mixed Companies
- Attention to the environmental impact: Società Agricola Natura Iblea - Ispica (RG, Sicily). Activity: Vegetables
- Food quality and health: OPOA Marsia Società Coop. Agricola - Avezzano (AQ, Abruzzo). Activity: Vegetables
- Risk management and worker protection : Enrico Corsi's La Cura company - Massa Marittima (GR, Tuscany). Activity: Viticulture
- Relations with the networks, the supply chain and the local community : Di Girolamo Gianni Agricultural Cooperative - Sabaudia (LT, Lazio). Activity: Vegetables
- Quality of work and employment of young people : Società Agricola F.lli Cherubini - Lonato del Garda (BS, Lombardy). Activity: Mixed companies
- Agriculture for women : Grow Up Agricultural Social Enterprise - Pinerolo (TO, Piedmont). Activity: Vegetables
- Contribution to energy transition and independence : Menesello Farms Company - Lozzo Atesino (PD, Veneto). Activity: Mixed Companies. (Source: https://www.foodandtec.com/ )