Home Corporate Communication News National Forestry Strategy published in the GU

National Forestry Strategy published in the GU

Strategic document valid for twenty years

National Forestry Strategy published in the GU
National Forestry Strategy published in the GU

The National Forestry Strategy (SFN) , promoted by the Ministry of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies in concert with the Ministries of Ecological Transition, Culture, Economic Development and the State-Regions Conference, has been published in the Official Gazette, in compliance with the Consolidated Text on Forests and Forestry Chains (Legislative Decree 34/2018).

It is a twenty-year strategic document, the first of its kind in Italy , and owes its creation to the process that began in 2017 with the birth of the Mipaaf General Directorate of Forests and with the issue of the Consolidated Text in 2018, which was followed by eight ministerial decrees of which the Strategy constitutes the framework and the backbone. The Strategy is an essential tool for outlining national forestry policies in the context of European ones and international agreements, but also as the apex of the forest planning "pyramid", recently innovated thanks to the relevant implementing decree, published in December 2021.

The Strategy also implements part of the European Strategy for Biodiversity 2030 and the Forest Strategy 2030 , as envisaged by the TUFF and integrates the national Strategy for the bioeconomy for the fundamental part linked to the forest-wood system.

The SFN indicates the way for the recognition and respect of the multifunctionality of forests and for harmonizing at national level the objectives and actions to be undertaken for the sustainability of forest management and the protection of natural capital and the landscape.

The document, very substantial and divided into three parts, one of which is published in the Official Gazette and two attachments which can be consulted on the Ministry's website, is the result of a long but important process of sharing, both with a multidisciplinary table for drafts and public consultation, which was followed by an equally important work of harmonizing themes and language, in close and continuous connection with the other implementing decrees of the TUFF, which were gradually published and started to be implemented.

In the introduction to the main document, the mission of the Strategy is declared: to bring the country to have extensive and resilient forests, rich in biodiversity, capable of contributing to mitigation and adaptation actions to the climate crisis, offering ecological, social and economic benefits for rural and mountain communities, for today's citizens and for future generations. The National Forestry Strategy will encourage the protection and conscious and responsible use of natural resources, with the involvement of everyone, in actions oriented by the criteria of sustainability, collaboration and unity of action."

The first annex breaks down the principles into actions and sub-actions, for each of which a quantitative time target to be achieved and the criteria for its monitoring are reported

The 2022 stability law thought of the funds for the implementation of the Strategy, providing for a special fund whose allocation is expected to develop over the first decade. (Source: https://www.politicheagricole.it/ )
Focus on the National Rural Network on the National Forestry Strategy for the forestry sector and its supply chains

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