Home Corporate Communication Press Review PGI returns for Salame d'Oca Mortara: it will be on sale at the end of the month

PGI returns for Salame d'Oca Mortara: it will be on sale at the end of the month

The Mortara PGI Goose Salami Consortium, after a great deal of work that is not only bureaucratic, guarantees production for the September event and for Christmas

PGI returns for Salame d'Oca Mortara: it will be on sale at the end of the month

PGI returns for Salame d'Oca Mortara: it will be on sale at the end of the month

The PGI mark returns to goose salami . Finally, one might say! This is a great victory for the Protection Consortium . For years, in fact, producers had to face an insurmountable obstacle linked to the specification: that of the hatching of the eggs.

The specification , in fact, requires that the chick be born in Italy. However, in recent years, the hatcheries have preferred to allocate the eggs to the pharmaceutical industry rather than using them in the food sector. An understandable choice, if evaluated purely from an economic perspective.

In recent months, a turning point has occurred and an agreement has been reached to hatch 500 eggs on our homeland, which have become (and some will become) first chicks and then slaughtered geese to be subsequently transformed into the delicious Mortara sausage. The processing of the meat has now begun and the first IGP-branded salami will be available at the end of the month, precisely in the days in which Mortara celebrates its typical product.


Processing began last week and last Wednesday the consortium members also received a visit from inspectors from Csqa , the certifying company, who verified the percentages of meat used by the producers. The same inspectors from the certifying company also supervised the operations related to the slaughter of the geese after, obviously, having supervised the breeding of the animals. Csqa returned to collaborate with the Consortium in the summer of 2022 and currently certifies, among others, the DOPs of Grano Padano, Prosciutto di Parma, Gorgonzola, Culatello di Zibello and Salame di Varzi, in addition to the IGP brands of Bresaola di Valtellina, Ricciarelli di Siena, Panforte di Siena and Red Onion of Tropea.


Source: Informatore Lomellino

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