Consortium for the protection of Trentino IGP trout: "priority to certified quality" CSQA confirmed to carry out checks on the 264 tons of the certified supply chain

Trout of Trentino PGI have always been a symbol of quality agri-food products from Trentino - Alto Adige , an area that can boast 29 PDO PGI agri-food and wine products for an economic value of over €1 billion generated by the work of 21,601 operators (Ismea-Qualivita 2022 Report Data).
Fruit of an area particularly suited to the production of salmonid fish, Trout of Trentino PGI are today the first Italian PDO PGI product in the "Fish and shellfish" category thanks to a 264-ton certified production chain and 12 operators capable of generating €2.9 million in production value , translated into €4.2 million in consumption value (Ismea-Qualivita 2022 Report Data).
Since 2015, the Consortium for the protection of Trentino PGI trouts has been protecting PGI production and its improvement, in particular with guidance and technical assistance and services relating to company organization and with studies and initiatives in the field of fish farming. It promotes the dissemination and knowledge of the PGI "Trote del Trentino" and of the brand reserved for it, aimed at the general care of the interests relating to this denomination. Supervises the correct use of the logo of the denomination as well as the protection and safeguarding of the PGI "Trote del Trentino" from abuses, acts of unfair competition, counterfeiting, improper use of the denomination and/or behavior in any case prohibited by law.
“The decision to confirm CSQA, the leading certification body in Italy in the field of Geographical Indications, is dictated by the desire to improve control of the certified supply chain - says Diego Coller of the Consortium for Protection - to guarantee product quality and compliance with the rules of the PGI specification. All of this is important for the Consortium to grow in terms of sustainability and environmental protection”.
"Our confirmation as Control Body - underlined Pietro Bonato, General Manager and CEO of CSQA - is the result of the synergistic work carried out on the front of the guarantee and enhancement of this fish product, symbol of the entire territory of the autonomous province of Trento and of the Municipality of Bagolino, production area of the Trentino IGP trout. An area traditionally dedicated to the production of salmonid fish, deriving both from fishing and from tank farming. We are therefore proud to continue on the path undertaken and of the renewed trust in CSQA in terms of valorising typical products".
The PGI Trout of Trentino confirms the value of the PDO PGI product portfolio certified by CSQA , which currently has 72 Geographical Indications : a figure that underlines the desire to increasingly accompany the development of quality agri-food supply chains, a symbol of Made in Italy and the vocation of the territories .