Home Corporate Communication Press Review Unicoop Firenze: “Responsibility is safeguarding excellence and territories”

Unicoop Firenze: “Responsibility is safeguarding excellence and territories”

Supply chains at the center of Unicoop Firenze's choices, in order to guarantee maximum traceability, but also support for local producers.

Unicoop Firenze: “Responsibility is safeguarding excellence and territories”
Unicoop Firenze: “Responsibility is safeguarding excellence and territories”

In fact, 25% of the products purchased by Unicoop Firenze (equal to a value of 430 million euros per year) come from Tuscan suppliers. “Compared to other commercial companies in our Region – explains Luca Braccesi, purchasing director at Unicoop Firenze – the weight of local products is double in our cooperative and generates approximately 5,200 jobs.

Over 700 local businesses (corresponding to 34% of the total suppliers) are linked to the production chain. Many are small businesses and supply a few nearby shops, proving a widespread and capillary connection.

More than 5,500 products come from lands, artisan workshops and factories present in the regional territory: many are typical Tuscan products, therefore from the DOP, IGP (Doc, Docg, Igt), Pat supply chain and are highlighted in all our stores by the 'Prodotto in Toscana' brand.


These virtuous examples also include the fish supply chain and the Pat-Pescato Tuscan archipelago.

“Yes, of course. The brand identifies a Unicoop Firenze project born in 2008 to enhance the quality of local fish, with a controlled and short supply chain. The Pat brand identifies various aspects: the fishing area that goes from Capalbio to Bocca di Magra, in the 6 miles facing the coast and the islands of the archipelago; the day of fishing (which must be before the sale); the fishing vessel and the captain. This process is certified by a third-party body CSQA that annually verifies compliance with all the steps.


Source: National Daily

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