Home Corporate Communication News Veneto, new standard "Sustainable livestock farming"

Veneto, new standard "Sustainable livestock farming"

Within the Regional Brand "Verified Quality"

Veneto, new standard "Sustainable livestock farming"
Veneto, new standard "Sustainable livestock farming" With DGR. n. 1128 of 09/19/2023, the Veneto Regional Council approved the definitive text of the production standard "Sustainable livestock farming", published in the BUR n. 130 of 3 October 2023 .

The standard falls within the regional "Verified Quality" brand which identifies agricultural and agri-food production obtained within a quality system and in compliance with specific production specifications approved by the Regional Council.

Until now, the QV brand concerned: Horticultural crops, Fresh-cut horticultural crops, Fruit crops, Cultivated mushrooms, Ornamental flowers. Finally, meat husbandry is added.

The "Sustainable livestock farming" standard is applicable to the breeding of livestock species and is the result of the development of a sharing process with various stakeholders which involved companies and representatives of the reference agro-livestock supply chain.

The need for this standard arises from the desire to raise livestock animals with the best known practices to guarantee a sustainable product , according to the three pillars of sustainability:
  • Economic : ability to generate income and work

  • Environmental : ability to maintain the quality and reproducibility of natural resources

  • Social : ability to ensure conditions of human well-being (human rights, labor practices, fair operating practices, consumer protection, community involvement and development)

The standard therefore provides verifiable requirements for each of the three pillars of sustainability.

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