Home Corporate Communication Press Review Vicenza, a European project for a new governance of water

Vicenza, a European project for a new governance of water

In Vicenza a 1.2 million project from the LIFE program to develop and test a new water credit system

Vicenza, a European project for a new governance of water
Vicenza, a European project for a new governance of water

Viacqua is the leader of the project “ LIFE Svolta Blu “, financed by the community programme LIFE (101157983 —LIFE23-GIC-IT-LIFESVOLTABLU) with a total budget of 2,025,510 euros.

The initiative, officially starting on October 1, 2024, will last 40 months, which will allow the Vicenza integrated water service manager and other partners to study, develop and test a voluntary governance system for the exchange of water credits , as already happens for carbon credits.

The main objective is to promote water saving and conservation actions.

Viacqua will also be supported by CSQA, ANBI Veneto , the Alta Pianura Veneta Land Reclamation Consortium , the Palazzo Festari Foundation, the Alto Vicentino Area Programmatic Agreement , and the University of Padua with its ICEA (Civil, Building and Environmental Engineering) and TESAF (Territory and Agro-Forestry Systems) departments.


«Functional and preliminary to any intervention to improve water management is an objective analysis of the current state of consumption and environmental impacts related to water, according to the ISO 14046 standard – specified Eng. Irene Grigoletto of CSQAThe role of CSQA will be linked to the verification of the calculation of these impacts and the application of good technical-managerial and district practices, to manage the resource and water savings».

Source: Network Services

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