The Ministerial Decree dated 29/07/04 (which repeals decree 465/99 ) on the voluntary labeling system for poultry meat provides that only the Organizations authorized by MIPAAF, through a system similar to that envisaged for beef, can include certain information on the labels of the I and II poultry meat processes :a) a reference number or a reference code that highlights the link between the meat and the production lot on the farm (traceability)
b) the country of the chick production enterprise or hatchery (name and location)
c) the country and fattening farm (name and location)
d) the country and slaughterhouse where the slaughter took place
e) the cutting plant
f) power supply
g) the form of farming
h) the breed or genetic type
i) the age of the slaughtered animal and the fattening period (only if combined with the information referred to in points f) and g) with the exclusion for the cockerel category)
j) the date of slaughter
CSQA, authorized by the Ministry , carries out the control functions towards slaughterhouses, farms, feed mills, hatcheries, sales outlets, cutting laboratories and headquarters of authorized organizations operating in the poultrymeat sector, carrying out the checks within the times established by the regulation and by the specific Control Plan for each organization and approved by the MIPAAF.
The optional system provides that each Organization:- prepare a specific Regulation
- submits it to the approval of the competent authority designated for each Member State in which the production or marketing of the meat in question takes place ( MIPAAF in Italy )
- submit to the control activity of a third-party body , recognized by the competent authority and designated by the Organization, on the entire supply chain : feed mills, farms, slaughterhouses, cutting laboratories, points of sale that carry out labeling activities for pre-wrapped poultry meat, etc.