FSSC 22000 - Food Safety System Certification Scheme 22000 is a certification scheme developed by the Foundation for Food Safety Certification for the certification of food producing organizations and has the objective of harmonizing the certification requirements and methods for obtaining food safety systems in the supply chain . In 2009, the Foundation published a new independent standard, called FSSC 22000 and which incorporates the ISO 22000 standard, the BSI-PAS 220 technical specification and the ISO/TS 22004 standard, i.e. the guideline for the application of ISO 22000 .
All the reference documentation can be downloaded from the website www.fssc22000.com .
The standard was published with the aim of homogenizing the certification requirements and methodologies related to food safety throughout the supply chain and to have certificates available that are comparable in terms of content and objectives.
FSSC 22000 was originally designed to be applied to food production organizations, however the publication of dedicated technical specifications covering the specific PRPs of different production sectors, allows the application of the standard to multiple sectors and makes it extremely flexible.
In March 2012, the British Standards Institution withdrew the technical specification PAS 220 which was replaced byISO/TS 22002-1 , "Prerequisite Programs on food safety - food manufacturing" and starting from 31 October 2015 for the packaging sector and materials in contact with food, the reference for the prerequisite programs will be ISO/TS 22002-4 which definitively replaces PAS 223.
The content of the ISO/TS differs only minimally from the previous PAS, thus involving a minimal impact on the certified companies and on the Certification Bodies.
FSSC 22000, since February 2010, has been recognized by GFSI - Global Food Safety Initiative, born in May 2000 at the behest of the Consumer Goods Forum, an independent global network which operates, among other things, with the aim of ensuring the distribution of suitable consumer goods (e.g. safe from a hygienic-sanitary point of view) to consumers.
It brings together the Boards and Executives of approximately 400 retailer and manufacturer organizations in 150 countries .
The forum currently represents a value of 2.1 trillion Euros .
Furthermore, since October 2010, FSSC 22000 has been recognized by EA (European Cooperation for Accreditation).
FSSC 22000 is the first GSFI recognized food safety management scheme to receive EA acceptance.
This means that all accreditation bodies in Europe will accept FSSC 22000.
CSQA is recognized by the FSSC Foundation and ACCREDIA accredited .
- It allows organizations to focus on improving food safety through continuous updating to scientific and technical advances;
- it is recognized worldwide as the system is based on an ISO - International Standardization Organization standard;
- allows the adoption of a systematic management protocol of the PRPs , concentrated on the real criticalities;
- improves communication throughout the supply chain;
- applies flexibly to specific customer requests.