CSQA offers a Gap Analysis service in relation to the regulations part of the Food Safety Modernization Act aimed at:- Companies intending to export to the United States and which must comply with the obligations defined by the PCHF ( Preventive Controls for Human Food)
- American importers (also Italian-owned) who must comply with the obligations established by FSVP ( Supplier Verification Programs)
The result of the Gap Analysis allows you to:
- identify strengths and weaknesses of both the food safety plan and/or the foreign supplier verification program and the operating methods and practices
- Identify areas for improvement and deviations from the requirements of the applicable regulations
The Gap Analysis service is carried out through expert auditors with PCQI qualifications , Lead Instructor for Preventive Controls for Human Food (21 CFR 117) and Lead Instructor for Foreign Suppliers Verification Program (FSVP), regulation applicable to importers of products within the United States (21 CFR 1500).
- The Gap Analysis activity is of an inspection type (not certification)
- For companies that fall within the field of application of the Preventive Controls for Human Food (production, transformation, handling, storage, etc. of food), the activity is focused on the adequacy of the Food Safety Plan and on the methods of realizing the product
- The focus for importers is on the completeness and implementation of the Foreign Supplier Verification Program and on examples of practical supplier management