The ISO 22000 "Food safety management systems-Requirements" standard is the voluntary international standard for the certification of Food Safety Management Systems (FSMS) .The technical standard is a global, public, system standard.
In particular, it is worth noting that with the recent consistent technical specification ISO/TS 22002-4 , it constitutes the body of standards specifically dedicated to the preparation and certification of food safety management systems in the sector of materials in contact with food/food packaging .
For issuing ISO 22000 certifications, CSQA is accredited by Accredia .
- interactive communication , between the company concerned and the various actors upstream and downstream of the supply chain
- the company management system
- the HACCP methodology , applied according to the provisions of the technical specifications for the application sectors
- the management of dangers for hygiene safety through specific operational control procedures
- clear and concrete objective of the management model: food safety and not quality in the broadest sense
- compatibility and complete integration with other management models
- integration of the hazard analysis and management method into the management system
- satisfaction of all interested parties : authorities responsible for monitoring legal requirements, consumers, commercial intermediaries, other food companies