The ISO 24114 standard describes the specifications for certifying the purity and quality of instant coffee powder , providing a tool for detecting possible adulterations.It represents a tool to support the claim "100% pure soluble coffee".
The standard focuses attention on the analysis of instant coffee through the determination of 2 carbohydrates (glucose and total xylose) which are considered sufficient to establish the authenticity of the coffee regardless of the commercial quality or the treatment used for the production of the instant coffee.The analytical method required to determine the carbohydrate content is specified in the ISO 11292 standard .
The authenticity criteria are based on the analysis of over a thousand commercial samples of soluble coffee and their statistical evaluation .
- enhancement of product characteristics
- communication of the certification directly on the product (using the conformity mark with the CSQA logo)
- the promotion of the corporate image
- the possible synergies , in the case of joint audits, with the certification of management systems , as in the product certification those aspects of the company production system that significantly influence the finished product are also verified