This is a new document in the family of ISO 22000 standards, aimed at preventing and controlling food safety hazards.It has fully implemented the English standard PAS 220 internationally, which was withdrawn in March 2012 as equivalent .
The technical specification ISO/TS 22002-1:2009 "Prerequisite programs on food safety - Part 1: Food manufacturing" , establishes the requirements of the prerequisite programs necessary to create safe products and to supply safe food for human consumption.
ISO/TS 22002-1 is intended to be used in conjunction and in support of ISO 22000 , a standard which specifies requirements for a food safety management system where a supply chain organization needs to demonstrate its ability to control food safety hazards in order to ensure that food is safe for human consumption.
Developed in the ISO/TC 34 technical subcommittee "Food products SC 17 Management systems for food safety", the technical specification applies to all organizations involved in the production phase of the food chain , regardless of their size or complexity. It can be used in whole or in part, depending on the nature of the operations involved in food production.
This is the first of other technical specifications to be developed dealing with prerequisite programs related to the specific food sector.
ISO/TS 22002-1 specifies requirements for establishing, implementing and maintaining prerequisite programs designed to help food manufacturers control:- the likelihood of introducing food safety hazards from the workplace
- the biological, chemical and physical contamination of the product, including cross-contamination between products
- the levels of danger for food safety of the product itself and of the environment in which the food product is processed